Rainfall maps code

Fri, Sep 14, 2018 4-minute read

This code builds the county-level map in this post.

A note of caution: this code takes a long time to run on a powerful iMAC. Depending on your machine it may take even longer.

Any geography may be substituted for counties.

rm(list = ls())


# Climatological normals

# Get 1981-2010 normals
# About: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/normals/1981-2010/readme.txt
normals <- read_table("ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/normals/1981-2010/products/precipitation/ytd-prcp-normal.txt",
                      col_names = c("STNID","MONTH","d1","d2","d3","d4","d5","d6","d7",

# Remove flags from the ends of the vars
remove.flag <- function(column){
  str_sub(column, start = 1, end = (nchar(column)-1))
normals[,c(3:33)] <- apply(normals[,c(3:33)], 2, remove.flag)
normals[,c(3:33)] <- apply(normals[,c(3:33)], 2, as.numeric)

# Collapse into key-value pairs
normals <- gather(normals, key="DAY", value = "precip", -STNID, -MONTH)

# Reformat days
normals$DAY <- str_pad(str_replace(normals$DAY, "d", ""), 
                       width = 2, side = "left", pad = "0")

# Replace negative values with NA
normals$precip[normals$precip<0] <- NA

# Make date variable
normals$date <- as.Date(paste(str_sub(Sys.Date(),1,4), normals$MONTH, normals$DAY, sep = "-"))

# Convert precip variable to inches
normals$precip <- normals$precip/100 #  It's 100ths of inch

# Current rainfall

# Get current year rainfall
rain <- read_csv(paste0("https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/by_year/",
                 col_names = c("STNID","date","type","amount","flag1","flag2","flag3","flag4"))

# Remove flags
rain <- rain[,c(1:4)]

# Just keep precipitation
rain <- rain[rain$type=="PRCP",]

# Create date-formatted variable
rain$date <- as.Date(paste(str_sub(rain$date,1,4),
                           str_sub(rain$date,7,8), sep = "-"))

# Summarize to cumulative precipation for the most recent date available
rain <- rain %>%
  group_by(STNID) %>%
  arrange(date) %>%
  summarise(cum.precip = sum(amount),
            date = last(date)) %>%
  filter(date >= (Sys.Date()-30)) # Just keep stations updated in last 30 days

# Convert cumulative precipation to inches
rain$cum.precip <- (rain$cum.precip/10)*0.03937008 #  it's 10ths of mm

# Merge norms and rainfall, keeping just the relevant columns
d <- inner_join(normals[,c("STNID","date","precip")], rain)

# Mapping

# Read station locations
stations <- read_table("ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/normals/1981-2010/station-inventories/prcp-inventory.txt",
                       col_names = c("STNID","latitude","longitude","elevation","state","name","gsnflag",

# Convert to spatial (simple features) object
stations <- st_as_sf(stations, coords = c("longitude","latitude"), crs = 4326)

# Get counties shape, converting to simple features object
counties <- st_as_sf(tigris::counties())
counties <- counties[as.numeric(as.character(counties$STATEFP))<57 &
                       counties$STATEFP!="15" & counties$STATEFP!="02",]
stations <- st_transform(stations, crs = st_crs(counties))

# Get states shape, converting to simple features object
state <- st_as_sf(tigris::states())
state <- state[as.numeric(as.character(state$STATEFP))<57 &
                 state$STATEFP!="15" & state$STATEFP!="02",]

# Transform the crs of stations to match that of counties
stations <- st_transform(stations, crs = st_crs(counties))

# Match stations to counties
stations <- st_intersection(stations, counties)

# Merge geocoded stations with rainfall data and summarize
cnty.sum <- inner_join(stations[,c("STNID","GEOID")], d) %>% 
  st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% # converts from sf object to data_frame
  group_by(GEOID) %>% # group by station
  summarise(norm.rain = mean(precip, na.rm = T),
            rain.2018 = mean(cum.precip, na.rm = T),
            firsdate = min(date), # oldest most-recent date used from county
            lastdate = max(date)) # newest most-recent date used from county

# Match summarized county data to county shapefile
to.map <- left_join(counties, cnty.sum)

# Calculate this year's rainfall as a percent of normal
to.map$pOfNorm <- to.map$rain.2018/to.map$norm.rain*100
# Adjust so palette treats correctly
#to.map$p.diff[!is.na(to.map$p.diff)<100] <- to.map$p.diff[!is.na(to.map$p.diff)<100]*(-1)
to.map$pOfNorm2 <- to.map$pOfNorm-100

# Get first and last dates included in current coverage
# This is necessary because stations update info at different times
last.date <- max(to.map$lastdate[!is.na(to.map$lastdate)])
first.date <- min(to.map$firsdate[!is.na(to.map$firsdate)])

p.norm.map <- tm_shape(to.map) +
  tm_polygons(border.alpha = 0) +
  tm_shape(to.map) +
  tm_fill(col = "pOfNorm2", palette = "RdBu",
          breaks = c(-Inf,-40,-30,-20,-10,0,10,20,30,40,Inf),
          labels = c("less than 60%","60 to 70%","70 to 80%",
                     "80 to 90%", "90 to 100%",
                     "100 to 110%", "110 to 120%","120 to 130%",
                     "130 to 140%", "Greater than 140%"),
          title = "% of normal") +
  tm_shape(state) +
  tm_polygons(border.alpha = 1, alpha = 0) +
  tm_layout(frame = F, title.position = c(.63,.93), fontfamily = "serif",
            title = paste(str_sub(Sys.Date(),1,4), 
                          "rainfall as a % of normal rainfall")) +
  tm_credits(text = paste0("End dates range from ",
                           first.date, " to ",
             position = c(.12,.15)) +
  tm_credits(text = "These statistics are generated by comparing 2018", 
             position = c(.75,.25)) +
  tm_credits(text = "year-to-date rainfall to 1981-2000 ytd normals",
             position = c(.75,.23)) +
  tm_credits(text = "as calculated by NOAA. 6,375 stations include",
             position = c(.75,.21)) +
  tm_credits(text = "both 2018 data and NOAA normals. Counties are",
             position = c(.75, .19)) +
  tm_credits(text = "colored with the average value for all stations",
             position = c(.76,.17)) +
  tm_credits(text = "in that county. Counties with no useable",
             position = c(.77,.15)) +
  tm_credits(text = "weather stations are left blank.",
             position = c(.78,.13))
save_tmap(tm=p.norm.map, "~/path/PercentOfNorm_county.png",
          width = 10)