Where the wind blows

The wind in Milwaukee is strongly affected by Lake Michigan.

How Milwaukee neighborhoods voted in 2018

Everyone knows Milwaukee is an overwhelmingly Democratic city.

A shapefile of Wisconsin November 2018 reporting units

As Wisconsin data nerds know, election results aren’t actually reported by individual wards.

Recapping a volatile year of voter registrations

Registered voter counts in Wisconsin changed more over the course of 2018 than in any recent election year.

1 year of snow depths

This gif shows snow depths at every U.S. weather station on each day from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018.

Vote and seat shares across 21 democracies

These charts show the results of elections in 21 democracies from 1950 to 2011.

National rainfall maps

This maps shows 2018 year-to-date rainfall compared to the normal amount (as calculated by NOAA from 1981-2010).

Rainfall maps code

This code builds the county-level map in this post.

Libraries & intergenerational income mobility

Here’s a map of county per capita annual library visits across the United States.

A state of water

Wisconsin lakes, ponds, streams, and rivers 11,339 square miles of Wisconsin is covered by water.